7 Latest Devops Trends and Barriers to Watch in 2018

If you have decided to take a shot or implement devops into your mobile app development process recently or you already use devops on a regular basis, it is important to follow the latest trends in this area. Because if you are not aware of the latest trends there is no point of using technologies as with the ever rising competition keep yourself updated with technology becomes the necessity. This is the reason we are sharing the latest devops trends which become a goldmine for your business.

Check out the 7 latest Devops Trends below:

No doubt, implementation of DevOps is a beneficial campaign but the tools we have used last year are out of date now. New techniques will help you to perform the tasks faster and easier as automated deployment and the general software development processes.

Docker and Devops 

Docker is very effective tool when it comes to containerization process, that is why it becomes very popular in the devops community. The main peculiarity of the tool is that it simplifies the mobile app development process and also configure management. Another advantage of the docker DevOps tool system is that it is improving and getting better. 

Self-sustaining Process

Devops system is able to recreate all data from a container in a few seconds. With this, user some degree of certainty that in case of any mistake all the lost information would be easily restored. Although we will get the report about the event that happened. It is needed to avoid the repetition of a problem which is also known as a self-healing system.

Devops and automation

It is possible to repeat it over and over again without getting tired as this is the basis of the DevOps approach. And this trend has not lost its relevance and we can say it one more time without wasting time and resources. But still, there are some old-school QA engineers who claim that writing unit tests is a tiresome processes but in a long-term perspective its a huge time saver.

Devops and Agile

Agile manifesto was first applied to the software development process. And now no one use it in its original form. However, devops is going to change it and we will get back to where we have started. Devlops is impossible without Agile and it can successfully used only in the environment where all the rules are flexible and changeable. And agile provides all of that so if you forgot about what agile is all about this is the high time to read the manifesto.

Devops metrics

Metrics for DevOps are very important and if earlier we tried to adopt the DevOps and learned everything it taught us and now we are trying to estimate the results of its adoption. This trend is about the effectiveness and how to measure it. Companies involved in the process are looking for the tools to estimate and report about the devops impact on the teams.

Serverless System

Serverless computing is no longer a dream with the new addition to the Devops toolkit. And this is the way where you can pay nothing for the infrastructure and focus on the development completely. Such a cloud computing model forms the basis for a new area in the industry, a function as a service.

DevOps and Big Data

When we start applying devops to software production we create a massive data flow which requires processing. The most effective and efficient way to deal with all this information is to apply machine learning. Of course, it could be like some extra expenses but it can become a key tool we are looking for to measure the effectiveness and find the weak sides of the devops approach adoption.

Let's have a look at the Most Common Reason why devops fails

There is no doubt that devops is a great approach for the software development and many companies fail to implement it. Following are the most common mistakes they do and avoid these pitfalls.


DevOps is a path to the bright future. But, if we go without a proper preparation stage, you can easily fail it. Like, if you tell your team that tomorrow everything is going to be according to the DevOps rules, it’s not going to work this way. And to avoid failure go with the proper plan and check what expertise you and your team members have in the DevOps methodology.
Properly analyze before that you ready to use DevOps tools? How about automated testing? If you feel that your team isn’t ready yet, maybe you should think about hiring or outsourcing a DevOps engineer?

Neglecting Quality

Majority of modern development teams often disregard quality trying to deliver a product as soon as possible. Of course, speed matters but the quality is not less important. The DevOps approach has to guarantee fast development as well as the quality of a program. If you decided to adopt DevOps, you need to choose the best tools and techniques and implement them to get the highest quality product.

Running tests asynchronously

To save time, some DevOps engineers still believe that test must be executed asynchronously. According to them, this is more reliable and productive. However, the order you run your tests doesn’t influence anything except the time. Because by running the tests synchronously and automatically, we move in the right direction to continuous integration and deployment.

Neglecting Goal

When our goal is not clear, it is easy to lose the right route. DevOps with Agile have it in common, if not all participants understand the main purpose, or if they have a different understanding of it, then this project will fail. So, it's important to make sure that everyone sees the goal clearly is your primary task. Trying to shift to a DevOps approach you may need to adopt new philosophies and management techniques. Also, try to break the barriers between departments of your company and the production system has to be advanced all the time.


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